Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bearded Corsets!

Well, not really, but I do have beards and corsets....

I've had an epiphany. I always have so many projects in the works that my room has become a dangerous cave full of bags of half finished ideas just waiting to trip me. Its a health liability. So, I'm going to do something revolutionary, and just work on one project at a time. Yeah, yeah, I know, obvious, right? But I never wanted to have to structure my free time like I do for work, because it might feel like..... work. But times they are a-changing. And I, really want to finish something once an awhile.

In the future I want to post pictures of my works in progress, but since everything right now is for Christmas presents, I have to keep it all secret. All I can say is that there are a lot of leather studs involved. And flowers :)

And now for the mustaches!!!

Via Anna Fischer's Flickr

I re-found one of my favorite corset makers, Morgana Femme Couture Corsets. They were originally based here in Los Angeles but have since picked up shop and flown across the pond. London does seem to be the place to be to make fantastic lingerie.

They always used my favorite pin up models here in LA and now they're using one of my favorite from London. I'm not sure what her name is though...

Morgana Femme Etsy

And lastly, I love this jewelry!!! From Heron Adornment. Find more here

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